LPG High PerformanceInjection System (HPi) ENGINE COMPONENTS |
1. ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT(ECU):The ECU is the “brains” of the alternativefuel system and was developed utilizing themost innovative technology. The newest featureof the ECU is the OBD II feature that allowsfor continuous fuel map learning. Based offof the readings of the vehicle’s OBD II system,the ECU is able to make corrections to the fuelmap while the vehicle is driven, ensuring optimumperformance and fuel economy. 2. REGULATOR:The Regulator reduces the alternative fuel pressurefrom high to low. A built-in temperature sensoris used to ensure optimum performance. The regulatoris completely rebuildable and can be maintainedat a low cost. *Some vehicles may require two regulators. 3. FUEL RAILS:The FuelRails, also known as injectors, were developedusing the most advanced technology. They deliver thealternative fuel to the engine with a high degreeof precision. A built-in temperature sensoris used to adjust for variations in fuel density,ensuring optimum performance. The fuel railsare completely rebuildable and can be maintainedat a low cost. 4. MAP SENSOR:The Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor readsand communicates the pressure difference betweenthe fuel rail and regulator, as well as thevacuum in the engine, to the ECU. The ECU isable to continuously adjust the fuel flow basedoff of these MAP Sensor readings. 5. LOCK-OFF:The Lock-Off is located just before the regulatorand only opens when the alternative fuel systemis engaged for added safety. In addition, thelock-off ensures higher fuel quality by wayof it’s built-in, replaceable filter. 6. FUEL FILTER:The FuelFilter is situated between the regulator andthe fuel rails and helps ensure the highestquality fuel is delivered to the engine. Thecartridge inside the fuel filter is replaceableand should be replaced at regular intervals. 7. FUEL SELECTOR SWITCH:TheFuel Selector Switch is located inside the vehicleand allows the user to select the fuel choicefor operation. Moreover, the switch incorporatesan alternatice fuel specific malfunction indicatorlight (MIL), as well as the alternative fuellevel. 8. FUEL FILL:The alternativeFuel Fill is aesthetically pleasing and is typicallyplaced in the vicinity of the gasoline fill.